Today was Ezra’s last in clinic appointment for Delayed Intensification. He has one more pill left over the weekend and then he is done with that phase of chemotherapy! Yeah!
So to celebrate Anthony took the boys out to fly a kite. They flew it for about 15 minutes before it “flew” away.
We go back on Tuesday to test his blood, to make sure he isn’t in need of a transfusion. So far the blood looks good, his ANC is 760.
Ezra will take a couple weeks off for his counts to recover. He is scheduled to begin Long Term Maintenance on December 3rd.
I asked for a copy of his next phase and on the bottom of it they had hand written in his “end of treatment” date, 7/21/2012.
While that date is awfully daunting, that is the first time I have ever even seen it. And its by no means written in stone, it was just nice to have a reminder that this chemo will end someday.